Study Programs
WORD ON FIRE Study Programs

Journey around the world and deep into the Catholic Faith in all its richness, history, beauty, goodness, and truth in breathtaking, high-definition cinematography.
Travel with acclaimed author, speaker and theologian Bishop Robert Barron to more than 50 locations throughout 15 countries. You'll be illuminated by the spiritual and artistic treasures of this global culture, claiming more than one billion of Earth’s people.
From the sacred lands of Israel to the beating heart of Uganda; from the glorious shrines of Italy, France, and Spain to the streets of Mexico, Kolkata, and New York City; the fullness of CATHOLICISM is revealed.
The Pivotal Players
Volume I

Join Bishop Barron on the journey to unlock the truth behind the most influential people of the Catholic Church.
You'll discover the places where St. Thomas Aquinas lived, learned, and wrote. Visit the countryside where St. Francis gathered a group of friars and revived the Church. See the places where St. Catherine of Siena ministered and prayed. Trek through England to where St. John Henry Newman and G.K. Chesterton left their mark and sparked an English Catholic revival. And through unprecedented HD footage, marvel at the extraordinary art of Michelangelo, from his David statue in Florence, to the Pietà at St. Peter's, to the Sistine Chapel.
The Creed

In The Creed, a new film series blending both documentary footage and dynamic talks, Bishop Robert Barron guides viewers through the Nicene Creed, a fourth-century statement of faith that has profoundly influenced both Eastern and Western spirituality, theology, and liturgy.
Explore the meaning of “belief” and whether it contradicts reason; the creative love of God the Father; the shocking mystery of his Son’s Incarnation and the great drama of his Crucifixion and Resurrection; the life-giving power of the Spiritus Sanctus, or “Holy Breath,” shared between them; and the mystical reality of the Church, which calls all of humanity out of the world of sin to receive forgiveness and participate in Christ’s divinity—not only in the next world, but here and now.

The great sacraments of the Church—Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Reconciliation, the Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders—have endured for thousands of years and structured countless lives. Everything in the Church’s life comes from and returns to them.
But there is far more to these ancient rites than meets the eye.
In this follow-up to The Mass, Bishop Barron looks at the great sacraments of the Church in all their theological depth, spiritual effects, and pastoral promise. The Sacraments will help you understand these signs and channels of grace and discover the secret behind their persistence down the ages: the presence and power of the Savior himself.

Walk through the Liturgy with Bishop Barron and be transformed through insights on this most privileged and intimate encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ. See how the Mass brings us out of the fallen world and into the heavenly realm, how it resonates with a call from God and a response from his people, the Church, and, most importantly, how we are intimately jointed with the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus through the Holy Eucharist. The Mass will help you understand how to fully, consciously, and actively participate in the source and summit of the Christian life.

Atheism is on the rise. How can we turn the tide of secularism and draw people back to God?
Skeptical thinkers like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris vigorously attack belief in God as irrational or, even worse, dangerous. The so-called New Atheism has attracted millions of young people thanks to bestselling books such as The God Delusion and God Is Not Great.

The better we understand Jesus, the better we understand ourselves.
Who was Jesus, this itinerant preacher whom many called the Messiah? In Priest, Prophet, King, you’ll discover Jesus as the Anointed One; the ultimate priest, prophet, and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Using biblical insights and engaging stories, Bishop Barron affirms that we see Jesus most clearly through the lens of the Old Testament.
Through the presentation of Priest, Prophet, King, you will better understand Jesus, become more familiar with Scripture, and realize your own priestly, prophetic, and kingly mission.

David is the paradigmatic king in the Old Testament. His kingship recalls that of Adam in the Garden of Eden, and yet it points toward the King par excellence, Jesus Christ. In David the King, Bishop Barron helps us to understand this pivotal figure in light of the first king and the King of kings.
Adam was the first king and steward of the rightly ordered Garden of Eden. He was called to govern the garden according to God’s mind and purpose, but by allowing negative influences to wreak havoc on Eden, he did not fulfill his kingly responsibility. Long after Adam, David emerged as the definitive king who would restore order in the Garden and bring the world under the lordship of God. But like Adam, David fell, and his reign ushered in a succession of compromised kings and rejected prophets.
The New Testament, however, foretold a son of David who would realize the fullness of Israelite kingship...but whose actual reign defied expectation.
King David causes us to look back toward Adam’s kingship and forward toward Christ the King, seeing Christ as the fulfillment of the Davidic line and the realization of the Kingdom of God on earth.

Join Bishop Robert Barron for this presentation of the seven deadly sins, those great spiritual blocks that inhibit our flourishing in relationship with God and one another. Based on Dante’s writings, the seven deadly sins correspond to the seven stories of Dante’s Mt. Purgatory. Pride, envy, anger, sloth, gluttony, avarice and lust are all presented as patterns of dysfunction within us that lead to unhappiness.
Bishop Barron shows us how to counteract these seven sinful patterns through a conscious process of opposition, known as the “seven lively virtues." These offer antidotes to each sin and help set us on the right path to healing and happiness.

In this DVD, Bishop Robert Barron illuminates six biblical stories of conversion, demonstrating how six ordinary people, just like you, were met by Jesus where they were and called to a better life through Him.
The common theme in each story is the turning of all one's attention and energy toward an ever deeper, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
In his characteristically energetic style, Bishop Barron explains how conversion is not so much a one-time event, but a life-long process.He explains, "Jesus Christ calls us in thousands of different ways to follow Him, as we strive on the path for spiritual excellence."

Bishop Barron offers inspiring insights into the mystery of Christ's presence in our lives and the centrality of the Eucharist. Too many believers do not understand the mystery of the Eucharist, which Vatican II said is the “source and summit of the Christian life.”
This fresh look at the Eucharist brings to light its reality as sacred meal, the sacrifice necessary for communion with God, and the real presence of Christ.

Our ultimate goal is to be a saint. It is our greatest calling and what our Creator desires for us.
Bishop Robert Barron paints the beautiful and mysterious image of what it takes to be a follower of Jesus Christ. He lays out three intriguing paths to holiness:
1. Finding the Center
2. Knowing You’re a Sinner
3. Realizing Your Life is Not About You
He also shares the practical approaches to enhance the journey along these three paths.